October 7, 2009

Today's Special:

The special of the day will be "The Great Pumpkin Swirl". MMMM...it smells so good!! This bread is organic and whole grain; no white flour at all! It also contains organic pumpkin, spices, and walnuts, it's like a pumpkin pie in bread form.
Salomon Farm tonight 4 pm - 7 pm.

October 1, 2009


The guys are finally getting around to extracting the honey this weekend! Just in the nick of time, too. I am down to about 60# of honey. I will be posting pictures of the frame gathering process and the extraction process. It is quite messy, yet quite fascinating.

September 26, 2009

Winter bread orders

The Farmer's market season is quickly coming to a close. October 14 is the last date for the Salomon Farm Organic Market. For those of you who have been asking about how to get bread in the winter, I am going to continue selling by order only. You will need to pre-order bread, either weekly or monthly. It looks like Wednesday is the day preferred by the CSA members who buy bread when they pick up their CSA's. Pick-ups for bread and honey will be made at my house at this point, although there is some talk of one CSA person picking up the entire lot and transporting it to the CSA pick-up site.
Many of you have asked about focaccia in the winter. Unfortunately, the best feta-pesto focaccia is made fresh and is seasonal. Roasted red-pepper will still be available, yum!!
Organic Vanilla-Raisin, Spelt and Organic Honey Whole Wheat breads are available year round. Fall favorites include Pumpkin Swirl and Garlic Parmesean. Send me an e-mail and we can discuss ordering and varieties. eicher10@verizon.net, just make sure to put bread or farm market in the subject line so I don't delete you!!

September 8, 2009


This week the organic whole wheat and honey bread will also be available at the General Store in Grabill during Grabill Days!

July 16, 2009

July 22

I will not be at market this week. I will be watching my boys show their goats at the 4-H fair. They have a 6:00 pm show.

July 15 - Salomon

I arrived with over 60# of honey and 81 loaves of bread. I managed to sell everything except two orders that I was holding for people, who never showed up to get them. One was pre-paid!! Hopefully, they will call today. If they don't, we will just have to eat it.

July 11, 2009


I went to the Auburn Farmer's Market this morning. By 8:00am, I was in the midst of a terrific thunderstorm!! We need the rain so I shouldn't complain. Now it's 10:00am and the rain has stopped. Do I go back and set up for another hour or do I stay home and unload? This is my conundrum.

July 8, 2009

Another amazingly busy, successful night at Salomon Farm Organic Market!

July 3, 2009

Salomon Farm

Wow!! I sold 45 loaves in 44 minutes this past Wednesday!! This is a new record for me. I am wondering how much bread will be enough. If I had baked 50 loaves would I have leftovers? How about 70 loaves? How early should I get up and start baking?
Praising the Lord that I have a market for bread. He always increases bread and honey sales when Allan's construction work slows down! Why are we suprised?
"I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread."Psalm 37:24-26
This is my mantra, if you will, in tough times. This is the key to the success of the bakery.

June 30, 2009

Grain to bread

Whole grain with all it's goodness intact.

The grain ground into flour.

Shaped and rising loaves.

The finished product.

Organic vanilla bean in honey. It's great in tea!


Ben played with the honey bears, pretending they were soldiers, I think.
Getting paid for practicing makes it more fun!

Look at that great posture.

My little busker.

Busk: to entertain in a public venue for tips

June 25, 2009


Welcome to the Hive & Hearth. This blog will mainly be about the farm, and baking and selling at the farm market. Currently, I am selling at the Auburn Farm Market on Saturday mornings. The market is held on the West side of the courthouse square and runs from approximately 7:00am to 11:30am. Some mornings I am there earlier and I leave as soon as I sell out of bread. Last year that was around 10:00am! This year I have more competition and have been staying around until closer to 11:00. I sort of liked being the only bread and honey vendor. I am also selling at Salomon Farm Organic Farm Market on Wednesdays from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. This is an all organic market (as the name implies). It is held in the old barn at Salomon Park on Dupont Rd, Fort Wayne. I have been out of bread by 5:30 each week! If you need bread, come early or e-mail me and I will save some for you.
On July 3, I will be trying a new venue. Downtown Fort Wayne has started a market on Friday afternoon from 3:00pm to 8:00pm on Main St. I can't do Friday and then do Saturday in Auburn, but since that Saturday is the fourth of July, there will not be a market in Auburn.